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Confim this tadpole Please??? (more)

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Posted by EllasMommie on May 01, 2003 at 23:46:17:

In Reply to: Confim this tadpole Please??? (more) posted by H BlueDevil H on May 01, 2003 at 20:14:52:

Looks like either a green frog or maybe a leopard. I have Leos and that tail looks like theirs did, but it also looks a lot like the one tad I still have (the others have morphed or are about to) that I'm thinking might be a green frog only yours has more of a "fanny" tail. Let me know how it's development goes, I've had mine since I got the others about a month ago and it hasn't grown at all!

:Hey, I went out last week and caught some tadpoles to raise them up, and take pics of them developing into frogs. They are about 2 1/2 inches long. Someone told me they are bullfrog tadpoles, but I've seen bullfrog tads much larger than these without legs, and these guys already have back legs (most of them). I went online and searched for Northern Leopard frogs and saw a pic of a tad that was similar but I am not sure....I plan on keeping two of the 19 when they morph into frogs, but I want to make sure of what I"m gonna get before I start setting up a tank for these guys. Here is a pic of one of the tads. I can take more if needed.

:Thanks alot,


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