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Re: not really....

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Posted by Zeb on April 16, 2003 at 17:29:40:

In Reply to: Re: not really.... posted by markc on April 16, 2003 at 09:22:21:

Mark Replied: I am trying to prevent you from making a big mistake. you don't agree with the fish/frog thing? this comes from your experience? no.

Actually, yes it does come from my experience from keeping other amphibians and reptiles in the same enclosure with selected fish. It also derives from other situations I've read and seen...

do you think I would say these things if I didn't see it happen myself.

If you have said you've seen it with X situation, I would have believed you.

fish do not stay at the bottom.
Some fish do, yes.

what do fish eat? flakes that hit the surface of the water!
Not always...I don't often feed flake. I feed sinking pellets, wafers, shrimp, pelleted foods, and prepared vegetables. But your point is taken...after all, I was just asking.

what does a toe do? the toe twitches and it looks like food. get your head out of the haze and do what it right for the pets in your care, not what your ego wants.

I do what my pets need, and I always have. Again, do you not realize that I don't own frogs and was asking FIRST? Also, my ego is not the issue...I openly admit I have close to zero experience with frogs, other than caring for them at a pet store and what I've read online, in magazines, and books.

Also, I never jumped on anyone. I said read this before you get upset, explained myself calmly, and tried to think logically about this.

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