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Thanks ginevive

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Posted by EllasMommie on April 11, 2003 at 08:57:58:

In Reply to: Re: Need some ideas posted by ginevive on April 10, 2003 at 17:07:42:

I have lots of plants for water and land. Last night we picked up a couple more leo tads and my husband picked out this little frog that was so cute and only about an inch. it still had a tail. Well we went to a second place to swap the basking bulb we bought there for just a regular light and found out that the little frog was a Pixi. Needless to say we gave it to the other place. We didn't want a frog that big in with the leos and risk any fighting. The guy also gave us 1 more leo tads that he got in with their feeders by accident. So we will have a total of 4 leos. I was mistaken on the tank size. It's actually 36x18x18.

So we will have large gravel on the water side, just enough to put a layer on the bottom and hold the plants. We'll have gravel on the land side but it will be topped off with soil. (I picked up an aquatic soil that is safe for both fish and frogs, it's for ponds) There are also plants and we are going to add a couple hiding spots on land.

The really cool thing we got was this little fog machine. It sits just under the water and creates a little water fountain as well as fog. My husband just had to have it. It looks really awesome with all the plants.

We got the plexi bow put together last night so come Saturday evening we will be able to put it all together.

I'm so excited!!!!

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