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Re: Questions about sexing useing the

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Posted by SnakeCharmedXX on February 25, 2003 at 02:57:13:

In Reply to: Re: Questions about sexing useing the posted by Pennebaker on February 24, 2003 at 12:35:31:

This animal shows all of the classic signs of being male, he even has a larger head and has a large frill. I personally wouldn't let anyone pop my animals unless it is a qualified vet, but the vet told me there was no need to pop such a young animal because the results would not be 100%. It doesn't matter what sex it is, I love this guy and wouldn't send him back. I'm just kind of dissapointed that it is most likely a male and I needed a female. I guess time will tell. Christy

:True, it is not 100%. Although sexing any frilled dragon before it is a subadult is very difficult and not 100%. The people at East Bay know what they are doing, but no one at home without a vet should try the popping method--it is dangerous and can harm the reproductive capability of the animal. Personally, I wouldnt let anyone do it to any of my guys. I'd rather just be patient. Jerry Cole in the new BD Manual (frilly section) suggests that the method is effective in subadults but should not be tried on babies or juvies. But by subadult size, there are already noticeable physical differences between male and female--head and frill size, overall size, etc...
:Putting together pairs of frilled can be very difficult due to sexing issues unless you buy adults. I had to buy numerous unsexed babies from numerous sources and just raise them up before I knew how I could arrange the groups. Luckily, multiple males do not seem to fight often.

::About 2 weeks ago, I got a new frilly that was sold to me as female. Well, I checked the dragon using the common method of lifting the tail and gently twisting it from side to side and what do ya know, the "female" dragon has hemipene buldges! I also had a guy at a local reptile shop take a look at the animal, and he also says it looks male. I told the seller about this and he told me that someone at the east bay vivarium "poped" this animal and no hemipenis was present. I talked to the vet about this and I was told that with an animal this young (the dragon looks to be about 4-6 months) that it is impossible to be 100% sure of the sex by poping, is this true?


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