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Re: Important question for those that own frills!!!

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Posted by Pennebaker on January 13, 2003 at 10:11:22:

In Reply to: Important question for those that own frills!!! posted by raccaboo on January 12, 2003 at 10:24:02:

I would guess that a baby would be ok in a 20 until about 3-5 months of age, depending on growth rate. Then a 60 would do for awhile before you move to the big enclosure. You can go straight from the 20 into the big one too. Look into building your own tank. You can do it for around $50 or less at home depot--they'll even cut the wood for you! Do a search on this forum--I know people in the past have posted great ideas for cheap enclosures. We use a lot of melamine, coated screen or plexi and wood.
And you know, when you get into herps, you just have to forfit any hopes of living a normal life with normal furniture!!! LOL!

:I have been wanting to get some frilled dragons for awhile now. The only problem I have is that I live in an apartment now. I would like to have at least a 4'tall x 4'long x 2' deep enclosure for when they are an adult.
:My question is since I live in an apartment and say I keep him in a 20 gallon size as a baby right now.
:How soon before I would need to move him to say a 60 gallon size and then when he's an adult to his bigger home?
:I am assuming I would need to have him in 3 differant sized homes during his life from baby to adulthood.
:Also how feasable is it to keep one in an apartment? Especially if I had to move?

:Thx so much for any help anyone can give me I really want a frill dragon sooooo bad.

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