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Basic Housing/Setup

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Posted by Alana on December 04, 2002 at 13:03:44:

I'm planning on getting a pair of frilled dragons next year and was wondering if you could help me and answer a few questions:

What size viv would you recommend? I was thinking of getting one 6' long x 3' high x 2' deep but obviously if they don't need this space then I'd rather have them in something smaller and use the rest of the space for another viv. On the other hand, I don't want them in something that's going to be too small.

The room temperature doesn't go below 78F during the day as I have a free roaming iguana who requires this as a minimum background temperature, is this cool enough for the cool end of their viv?

Do you think a 250W ceramic would be about right for heating the viv? Or do you think that frilleds are better off with a spot lamp for heat such as the Powersun UV?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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