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Frilled with parasites

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Posted by iguanalady on October 21, 2002 at 11:42:34:

I got my new frilleds not too long ago and immediatly tested them for parasites. I saw coccidia oocysts, likely Emeria, and something that looked similar to a pinworm ovum but it was slightly different. I treated the coccidia with Trimeth. sulpha for a week and I still have to get a stool sample to see if that worked (likely not as it wasn't long enough and coccidia are tough little buggers...the drug is just harsh on the kidneys and other things were going on with the female not eating and I wanted to hold off that particular treatment till she was better health). I kept up the treatment with fenbendazole though. Soon I began to see 1-2 inch worms passed in the feces. They were not tape worma as they were pointed at each end and red in color and still alive when passed. I ddi the first fenbend. treatments 2 weeks apart and now I have gone to 1 week apart and given a total of 5 treatments. I am definatly seeing fewer worms but 5 treatments is a little ridiculous and I think I will switch to something like metronidazole soon. Has anyone seen these particular parasites before? Has anyone had success treating them? What meds worked?

They weren't wild caught but they were "captive bred in Indonesia" so I imagine the setups are similar to iguana farms and parasites abound. Its difficult to get anything else in Canada. Believe me I tried.

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