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Posted by mossman on May 09, 2003 at 05:34:05:

I have read a lot of posts on this forum and have not come up w/ a defenite answer. Is feeding dog food to my rats and mice harmful to my SNAKES? I know they will eat it (the rats and mice) and I know they will produce offspring while eating it, but what I want to know is YES or NO is feeding the dog food harmful for my SNAKES? Not the rodents! And I don't care if one will produce more babies or that the rodents will be happier. I just want to know if it is going to hurt my snakes. Very simple question, demanding a very simple answer. I know this question has sparked much debate before but like I said all I want to know is will it hurt my snakes. The rodents to me are just food for my snakes.

I have started a colony, just a week ago, and have been feeding them dog chow. I know that some are prgnant already and they apper to be healthy. But if feeding this to the rodents will harm my animals (snakes) I will stop feeding the dog chow immediately. I have been told both.One, that it is fine and two, that it is not so good. So now I look to the infinate wisdom of the kingsnake forum for a defenite answer to this compelling question. Thanks for your knowledge and advice in advance.


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