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Re: Record keeping or lack thereof.......

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Posted by JM on April 07, 2003 at 08:53:48:

In Reply to: Record keeping or lack thereof....... posted by DeMak on April 05, 2003 at 10:53:03:

I try to keep breeding groups of different colored rats in the tubs~ IE~ One Blk/Wht Hooded Male; One Solid black female; One grey/white hooded female; like that, I have a few with same colors, so I look for a distinguishing mark~ such as Brn/White hooded-full back stripe, or Brn/White hooded-partial back stripe.

I assign each tank a letter, and each rat a number. Such as my Blk/Wht Male is -1 in tank A so his designation is A-1 (Steak anyone?) I keep a cheat sheat with the description, birth date if I know it, parents if I know, and designation number of each rat in each tank.

Then I have a columnar booklet (Walmart) in which I label a seperate page for each tank at the top of each colum with Name/Number, Date, Birth #,Harvest #, and General. Anytime anything happens in a tank, I pull that tanks page, mark in the number of the animal that did something, mark the date, and indicate if they gave birth I mark in how many they had, If I harvested I mark that, if One died or anything else I put a note under "General"

Easy once you set it up. Until you get lazy like I did! Need to get back on my records! :o)

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