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Turtle question from a new member :)

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Posted by Amanda on June 29, 2001 at 19:45:51:

Just about a couple of months ago, I was walking in my fiance's yard when i noticed an egg sitting on top of the ground. I thought this was very unusual, and gently began to dig up the soil beneath this egg. Well, anyway, there were 4 other eggs in a chamber there! I decided to remove the eggs since it is exactly where my fiance uses an edger, and this would most likely break the eggs. (And glad i did, because it flooded there 3 weeks ago) OK, now i have 4 fertile eggs (!) and I even saw something moving in all 4 today :) I am assuming that they are some type of turtle eggs since they are hard shelled and they are right by the lake. I am expecting them to hatch any day now, since i noticed the movement and the air is increasing in the egg. So, now after that looong story... what do i feed the little guys when they hatch? Is there some kind of universal aquatic turtle diet that will be ok for hatchlings? And when do i start feeding? I have raised hatchling lizards but turtles are something new to me. Well I hope someone knows. I will let you all know what they are after hatching, if anyone would be interested to know. (They have been in a Hovabator at 80-82 degrees for approx. 2 months now)

Thanks for all info!


Amanda N. Staton

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