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Posted by Jeremy G on April 25, 2003 at 05:57:30:

In Reply to: Copulation, not courtship. np posted by Chance on April 24, 2003 at 19:06:23:

Do you have any eggs? I thought not.


::Ya know whats really pathetic, somone witnessing courtship between their pair of D.typus and then running to the internet and posting for sale adds saying they will have neonates soon! Now thats truly pathetic!

::All the best buddy,


::::So, not useing/recomending chameleon cages to house dendroaspis anymore? Why the change? I thought that was the best way to keep arboreal hots in your opionion.:-D

:::Actually, that was for Dispholidus, but I guess you just don't pay good enough attention to your reading. And if you really want to try to get back into it, go back and look at who keeps their hots like D. typus in situations like that. Works very well, IMO.

::::Also, is that D.viridis you have the same one you have up for sale? Hmmmm? Interesting.

:::Let's see....yeah, same one. His mate recently died from a bad infection she had when I acquired her, so I've decided to sell him as I don't care to just keep singular animals with no potential to breed.

:::Anyway, nice attempt to start a flame war again. Pathetic.



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