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What I understand from recent Taxonomy.

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Posted by Richard Mastenbroek on October 27, 2002 at 23:28:51:

In Reply to: Oxyuranus scutellatus barringeri sp. nov posted by Paul Hackett on October 27, 2002 at 20:49:54:

Hello Mr.Paul Hackett or do you preffer your real name Raymond Hoser???

After reading this (your) huge publication on a new subspecies of Taipan (Oxyurans scutellatus barringeri) I had only tears in my eyes.

The author (Hoser) says the 3 subspecies are only separated by distribution O.s.scutellatus only occurs in North-eastern NSW and Eastern QLD. O.s.canni Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea, and finally the new described subspecies O.s.barringeri known fron NT and Northern WA.

Everything is clear I only have two questions left?

1. How much venom do you need to sniff before you start writing things like this???

2. And are there any pictures of this magnificent new subspecies?

As I know understand how taxonomy works, do I have a try to describe two more subspecies of the Taipan named Oxyuranus scutellatus richardii and Oxyuranus scutellatus mastenbroekii Both species are found in a private snake collection in Holland (Europe), and are named after the collector. I described these new subspecies on distribution as they not live in Australia or Irian Jaya/Papua New Guinea. Because of their captive situation did evolution take a big step on these snakes.

Hahahaha what a crap.

Cheers and good luck with more new species or subspecies

Richard Mastenbroek

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