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And the results are in...

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Posted by Rick Gordon on May 05, 2003 at 12:48:57:

In Reply to: And the results are in... posted by JoeyP on May 04, 2003 at 17:36:41:

:So I took some of the water (from the wetland filter) in to get cheked. Ammonia, Nitrites pretty much maxed out and pH was high too. Not wanting to harm the dragon, by waiting for plants to grow more or chemicals to start working, I took out the wetland filter for the time being. I was having another problem with it anyways. My dragon apparently liked playing in the plants, which meant they were constantly getting broken and pulled down into the water, which in turn means they weren't rooting very well. When I dismantled the wetland filter, I did notice that I didn't see any solid waste in it, which really surprised me. I plan to try it again someday, when I have a bigger cage for him. I think the whole setup needs to be larger, mine was quite small and everything was to concentrated I think. Also if I could find an easy way, I would set it up in such a way that he couldn't get at the plants, maybe a plexiglass wall, that could still allow for light to come in through the top (and they would probably do very well in the semi-greenhouse enviroment). It's unfortuante that it didn't work as well as I had hoped, but I'm trying something else now, which will hopefully work better on my small scale, I'll take some of the water in in the next few weeks and see how it works.

Rick:: It would be really helpful if you could provide some data as to size of the filter, amount of planted area, the amount of lava rocks, and the number of Waterdragons. Bigger is definitely better, but without this kind of data its hard to say how small is too small.

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