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Divided enclosure question.

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Posted by phnoxx on March 21, 2003 at 08:09:59:

Hi everybody,

I don't come in here often, but i have a similis and a palearis (sp?).

A few months ago an idea hit me: they might like it if I give them a divided habitat; one section dark with logs, hides, and heating pads on part of the floor, and the other part very brightly lit with basking spots at 115 F and with UVB in a zone of about 95 F. I put the food in the bright side, and keep dog-style water bowl there too. The sides are divided by a wood wall with a 2 inch hole at floor level.

They use the dark side a lot. They also use the bright side. I see them in both areas, and they eat well, and bathe/poop in the bowl.

I suspect that they very much like the option of choosing to hang out in the dark side (so to speak LOL).

My main question, which is probably imponerable: should I put a UVB light in he dark side? Is there a way I can know, before MBD is evident, that they get too little UVB?


Roger who hates the username he chose.

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