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Potty Training

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Posted by Matthew W. on February 01, 2003 at 15:35:38:

In Reply to: Re: We Finally Did It! posted by Jose J. on February 01, 2003 at 02:45:15:

Thanks Jose! You bring up an important point that I would like to discuss further, namely potty training. I have read many post discussing this issue and the one that comes to mind that provided the most information was jif's "Re: Are they potty trained? How?,,,,,quick tutorial" in which she briefly describes potty training in the tub. I was hopping that you, her, or anyone else could elaborate on the subject further. Especially using a litter box/pan. What do you use on the inside? Water, litter, paper towel, rabbit pellets, etc? When should I put him in there and how often? I was tentatively thinking starting off with a shallow aluminum pan. Would this be suitable. If not what should I use? If so what do I put in it? I would like to start him off right away learning to go where we want him to. Any advice you all could give would be greatly appreciated!



::Well, we finally did it! I sent the money order to David Blair this afternoon and we will hopefully be receiving our little male hybrid rock iguana in the next two weeks (weather and God permitting). We are very excited about our little Valentines day present! Thanks so much to all of you for your assistance in helping us to decide what type of Cyclura to get. We are getting everything set up for him now and should hopefully have his new home ready by Sunday. I will definitely post some pictures of him once we have them.

::If there is any last minute advise any of you would like to send along it would be appreciated. I will of course continue to use this message board and its wealth of resources in caring for our new family member for the many year to come.

::One question that comes to mind is: When feeding legumes and beans do you used canned or dried? If you used dried do you feed them dried or do you cook them or soak them? and in what percentage do you use them in their daily meals?

::Thanks Again!



:Congraulation, You will enjoy him ,they are great animals.I also got one from David last June at a reptile show. My Cuban was the smallies in the bunch,and she was 1 1/2 year old.She was only 15 inches head to tail.Today 7 months later she is litter train in a cat box in the bathtude,and she is a big fat heavy 27 inches Iguana.So Sweet never bites

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