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Re: Captive Bred Crotalus?

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Posted by Blackwater on February 25, 2003 at 03:52:06:

In Reply to: Captive Bred Crotalus? posted by johnwblume on February 24, 2003 at 21:47:46:

The short answer (my opinion of course), is that Europeans have a slightly harder time acquiring wild caught crotalus than we do. It's cheaper to buy wild caught, so most people buy them. If someone can't make expenses, why would they breed venomous snakes? Look at the more expensive types (Albino Eastern, Western diamondbacks and Prairies) and you can find all the captive bred ones you can afford.... but the same people aren't breeding "common" snakes because there's no money in it, for the most part...

I breed snakes because I like snakes. I'm currently keeping lots of species that people consider "trash" and frankly, they're a lot more fun to keep than some of the "desirable" species around.... Captive bred means a lot less hassles, and a lot fewer opportunities for the keeper to get bit (medicating, etc) and a lot less stress on the animals and the keeper.....

So it's my not so humble opinion that necessity is once again the Mother of Invention.... our European friends can't walk into their back yard and collect rattlesnakes... importing them is an option, and they do... they also come here to collect... but for the most part, it's easier to breed the snakes inEurope than to import them, so that's what they do. Our European friends aren't necessarily better at breeding, they just have more incentive than we have.....


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