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Re: Newbie questions

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Posted by Saker on October 21, 2002 at 19:25:02:

In Reply to: Newbie questions posted by notpitr on October 21, 2002 at 16:57:45:

:I keep pythons and take in the occasional orphan. I have a friend who is attempting to get me to take his rattler off his hands. I'm not sure if I want to keep a hot and was curious about the pros and cons of keeping venomous snakes. I don't know which species the rattler is or how old it is; I think it's about 3 ft long.

:I'm used to handling crotalids; I live on a canyon in Southern California and every backyard in the neighborhood gets invaded periodically. We also get the occasional "visitor" at my work. I usually just carry them to the other side of the fence and let them go back in the canyon. I keep a hook and tongs in my truck just for such a purpose.

:So it's not the *handling* of crotalids so much as the *keeping* that I'm curious about.

:Also, since I do have to handle the occasional rattler, what sort of medical stuff should I keep with me just in case?

:Thanks for the help,


Hi Peter! First Keeping rattlesnakes is fairly easy. The only hard part would of course be the extra safety precautions necesarry in keeping venomous snkaes.

I also live in a canyon in CA(La Verne). Maybe sometime we could get together and catch some snakes?

Also, I would like to applaud you for taking the time to relocate rattlesnakes. I'm trying to setup a snake rescue relocation program for some of the CA foothills. I also planned to do educational exhibits but in L.A. County this would just be too hard.

If you have any idea where the rattlesnakes is from(city). It would aid in identification.

drop me an email

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