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Yeah-- about that pic.

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Posted by Jaffo on September 22, 2002 at 13:40:56:

In Reply to: For Jaffo, about the pic. posted by FR on September 22, 2002 at 02:25:42:

Sorry Frank. I would really like to see the whole pic. I invite you to teach me something new... I like learning, and I didn't know you were the professor.

You're right-- I wasn't listening OR having fun. First, I suppose I felt threatened because you offered some pretty profound information that didn't jive with my experience-- which is extensive, but I'm sure less extensive than yours. Second, you seem to enjoy coming across with contributions in the form of challenges (not games), in which you seem more interested in presenting a display of "Profound Thinking About Nature, by Frank Retes", which isn't necessarily a treat. But I have to say, as little as I know you, I really like that stuff. You have to understand that many of your ideas challange current scientific position, and a lot of eye-witness experience. I am not calling you a liar or even an embellisher. I am saying that you ought to expect a little rebuttal at first. You KNOW your ideas challange, that's why you offer them. You have the recognition of being a visionary with the captive care of minitors, but no one knew you were the foremost expert on rattlesnakes, so no one though the actually ASK YOU to teach them anything.

So teach me.


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