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Re: You're a nice guy Brendan.

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Posted by Brendan on September 13, 2002 at 15:50:40:

In Reply to: You\'re a nice guy Brendan. posted by jaffo on September 13, 2002 at 14:11:52:

I think of myself as a fairly well rounded and semi-intelligent individual who is extreemly open-minded and willing to see good points in all discussions/arguments/debates. The more sources one has to draw from, the better. I usually always try to weigh field observations with current literature and if I see something which appears out of the norm, I will always try to discuss it with people who I feel would be able to lend some helpful insight. I don't make boastful claims about my vast knowledge in any area of herpetology because my knowledge is extreemly limited. I simply add a little input when I can and if people want to reply to it in a childish way then fine. I don't have the time nor the desire to engage in lengthy arguments over nothing. It's not me. This is the major reason I haven't even read these forums in several months and why I don't bother to post anything I see anymore. There is no reason anyone should need skin like a rhino to post here and be treated with something as simple as respect. I have really lost respect for a lot of people who I once thought were good people but that's life. I am not gonna cry over spilled milk.

This post is not directed at you Jaffo, just a general post to express my thoughts and gripe a little.

I love to be corrected by people who have more knowledge and experience but do it in a respectful, non-condecending way.

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