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Posted by Serpwidgets on May 13, 2003 at 16:16:32:

In Reply to: Huh? posted by Russ Bates on May 13, 2003 at 08:45:00:'s cool....corns are cool.....and I was just looking for others opinions about people posting "Will breed this coming season". Sorry for confusing you.

Ya, hehe, that was fun. :)

There are people out there who really love the hobby and put a lot of work into it, and are very honest and reputable. Seems like a lot of people want to jump in head first, and when they try to take shortcuts they often end up skipping past those people and hand their money over to sleazy/shady types because they didn't do their homework, and those people will tell them whatever they want to hear or take advantage of the buyer's optimism.

When they realize they've been ripped off, a lot of people walk away from the hobby and/or act like there are no honest people to be found. That detracts from the hard work and honesty of some really great people, and I think that's what irks me on that side of the coin.

As for the specific statement you posted as an example, yeah, that does bother me. You'd think they could take the time to type 3 characters like "'03" or "'04" to avoid confusion. Anyone paying attention would be smart to ask what that statement means. It's those who don't ask that I have a problem with. ;)

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