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Posted by IcedGoddess on May 12, 2003 at 12:02:59:

In Reply to: Kindof.. posted by Shaky on May 12, 2003 at 10:44:58:

thanks for simplifying;)
I don't know for sure he's het, but I'm guessing he's het amel, just because I want him to be:)if he is het anery as well GREAT, because she's a beauty of a snow, and he'd only enhance her looks. She has a very "okeetee" pattern to her that is very visible even though she's a snow. but she's a mutt from a pet store;) so who knows what she may be hiding., soon, very very soon, I'll know for sure:)

:from this mating, you'll get all normals (assuming that your okeetee is not het for amel)
:From crossing two of the offspring, your possibilities are normals, amels, and okeetees.
:Now, since okeetees ARE normals, the only difference will be that some seem brighter or have wider black saddle borders than others (there are no guarantees that any will be classic Okeetees), and since "reverse Okeetee" is a selectively-bred-for morph, chances are you'll have a bunch of normals and a couple regular amels.
:However, there's really no telling. With Okeetee and amel these days often being het for other stuff, there's as likely a possibility that you'll wind up with a anerys and/or snows, too.

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