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Posted by -ryan- on May 11, 2003 at 18:58:33:

In Reply to: Hmmm...Is Newspaper As Good A Substrate As We Think posted by woodheadd on May 11, 2003 at 18:18:30:

look here...

and here...

I don't use it, but the craft paper is supposed to work well, as well as the newsprint they sell there, and the indented craft paper. You can also buy the dispenser which helps cut it in a straight line.


::Hey everyone... Happy Mother's Day to you all including our slithery friends. Something came to mind today as I was cleaning the cages of my corns and kings. I use newspaper as there substrate because I have them all in sweater bins. However, as I was laying the clean newspaper to each of the cages I notice that I would have ink on my fingers. Now I don't know if it was because I was using the New York City Daily News but has anyone notice this before? Is it possible that the ink cAn also be going into our snake's blood stream and may possibly getting them sick?I know this is an outrageous thought but whats your opinion?- ELvy

:::I also use newspaper and get the ink on my finger tips occasionally , also i have had it on the tops of snake heads that lay under the paper.I have had no problems,Someone needs to come up with giant paper towels that are cheap and can cut to size

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