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LOL..same here..

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Posted by Taceas on May 08, 2003 at 15:08:39:

In Reply to: Yah, me too... posted by Kat on May 08, 2003 at 12:28:06:

Whenever I saunter through Petsmart's fish department, I just can't stand to look at those poor deformed goldfish. I don't mind the split fins on some varieties, but the bubble-eyes and short, fat bodies just make those poor fish swim so awkwardly and look so miserable.

And the anti-hybrid proponents who say my lone parrot cichlid is an abomination of nature..they need to open their eyes and look at the goldfish these days. While my fish may be a cross of species; at least it can swim, eat, have a personality and moods.

I agree with the other person who said, if we don't have to trick them to mate..who says they are a hybrid anyway. Humans from different continents can breed successfully, let alone two snakes from different areas from the same continent.

The only issue I have with hybrids is the fact that some people could potentially be buying a corn with emoryi blood and not know it. If people are going to produce hybrids to sell, then they need to disclose the fact that it is a mix.

It's kind of like my other hobby, arrowheads and indian artifacts. I don't mind reproductions, but when reproductions (fakes) make it into being sold as authentic, that annoys me. I own a couple reproductions, sold to me as reproductions. They're beautiful pieces, and look good in my collection. But only for the simple fact that I cannot afford a 7 inch long clovis point. =P

I might own a creamsicle one day. But anything I produce from it and sell, I will tell the buyer that it has emoryi blood in it.


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