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kitty, please read...(long)

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Posted by Traci on May 04, 2003 at 07:27:37:

In Reply to: twos questions plz help thx posted by hells_kitty on May 03, 2003 at 16:59:43:

kitty, let me help you understand why you are getting the types of responses that you are. First of all it is pretty clear by the way you word your posts that you are fairly young and immature. Please don't be offended...we were all young and immature once! But there are many mature adults on this forum and this hobby/biz is very important to us. Some people live in areas where there are already laws restricting what kinds of herps they can keep. People in Georgia can't keep corn snakes at all!!! The rest of us (well at least I do) worry about someday losing our ability to keep our herps. You know what often causes that to happen?? When people aren't responsible and let their animals escape. Let's say you got yourself a boa and ooops, that escapes too like your corn. Then it somehow makes it's way over to your neighbor's house and scares the living daylights out of them. Maybe they call the police, maybe there is a big scene, maybe the local newspaper gets ahold of it and prints a story. Next thing you know the township wants to pass an ordinance to ban the ownership of ALL exotic animals. This can happen kitty because it happened in a township very close to where I live and it scared the heck out of me. I would be devastated if I had to give up my snakes because of someone else's irresponsibility. So that is why you are getting some negative responses ok? Please try to understand. You need to get books on the animals you are interested in and read them cover to cover. You need to do as much research on the internet as you can BEFORE you get ANY kind of animal. And this doesn't just apply to you, this applies to anyone who is considering getting an animal they've never kept before. So please do those things before posting here and before getting any more animals. Once you have done your research, THEN you might get some respect from the others on the forums. Also I didn't even get into the fact that your poor animal will suffer if you are not fully prepared to care for it properly. Ok, I'm done now. Whew!

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