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Look at my new Back Yard Snake (not a Corn)

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Posted by Lyn on May 01, 2003 at 19:59:24:

Sorry this is not a Corn post, but I'm sooooo excited! I've lived in this house for 5 years and have NEVER seen a snake in my yard, and I do a lot of outside yard work and gardening and am always lifting rocks and looking under stuff for critters. My Next Door neighbor found this little cutie pie when he was cleaning up the leaves from his yard and brought him over to be sure he wasn't one of my pets. He's so adorable! It will be hard to let him go but I'm just so excited to know there is a population of snakes right here in my own neighborhood, even if it is just a little Garter. I have posts on the Garter snake and the What type of snake is this forums hoping to narrow down the exact species and learn more about my new little backyard pal. I sure hope I get to see him again as he grows up. I've offered him water and a pinkie but he isn't interested. He's only been "captive" for an hour and I'll release him as soon as I'm assured he is a native species to the Buffalo NY area and not someone's lost pet. The pile of leaves he was under has been cleaned up and my neighbors have 3 kids, so I'm going to release him in my yard which has lots more snakey hiding places, and I don't have any kids. Here are some pics... I welcome any opintions you guys might have as to his exact species, I'm sorry to say I don't have a snake guide (shame on me!!!)

Isn't he a sweetie?

Here is the top of his head

He has a solid pinkish/brown belly

He is brown with a lighter brown stripe down his back and some black speckles

Another view of his markings

Side view of his face

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