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New owner worried about gravid female

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Posted by GEM on May 13, 2003 at 17:00:34:

Hi to all. I have been trying to do as much research on the topic of gestation, unfortunately it has only frightened me due to the fact that everyone is talking about egg bound in many of the postings that i have found on the topic. How common is egg bound? Is there certain conditions I need to help lower the statistics? Unfortunately I did not plan of this this early in my adventure with my GEMS.I picked up my male in November and then in December I got him a girl friend for X-mas who is now only approximately 7 months old. I did not hybernate them this year because I did not know much on the topic let along know about it at all until I came to this forum after buying them. HUH should have known more before buying. Buttt, she decided to go gravid without brumation and here I sit watching, reading searching,WORRYING. I work at a medical Library so guess what I was doing today. I found an excellant posting last night with everything I need to know about incubating the eggs that is as long as she drops them. It has been approximately 2 weeks since I came home and found her all nice and pretty with her beautiful salmon colors. All I need to know is how to get her home ready for her to deliver her clutch. I'm on my way to get more sand to get it up to approximately 8" thick. They are in a 40 gallon tank with fountain on cool end and rock cliff on other. Do they prefer something special to lay there eggs ie: hidin from sight or wide open space. I could take out the fountain for extra subtrate area. I'm also in the process of getting supplies incase of egg binding but if it comes down to surgery what do I get for anaethetising her. I will do surgery if I'm going to lose her have also worked as a vets asst. so not too squamish. Will not have problems getting supplies I need. have contacts working in a medical environment. Thanks for any help and sorry about long posting. will have pictures to share soon.

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