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I have hair to my waist and mine climb it like a vine>

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Posted by SBShortie on May 09, 2003 at 11:56:04:

In Reply to: I have hair to my waist and mine climb it like a vine> posted by eve on May 09, 2003 at 11:47:45:

So far he just eats it. Ummm should I continue to pull it out of his mouth or should I leave it?

::yesterday and today i had to pull a piece of my hair out of my lizards mouth/throat/stomach. He doesn't look very happy when I do it. Ummm I have no idea how my hair is getting in their cage other than maybe it falls in when I feed them. Is there harm in letting him eat my hair or should I keep pulling it out? Thanks...sorry this question is so weird

: I have had that happen, Sometimes, just have to be careful, your hair can wrap around one of their limbs, and be very dangerously tight, amazing but true, I find them on the floor sometimes when I scrub up their room, so be careful !! Mine also climb on me and seem to like running up my hair like a long vine, so I check them before I put them in their tanks make sure they dont have any on their feet, what ever ! :0) Eve

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