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New Person on Board with Cage Questions

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Posted by ETChipotle on May 07, 2003 at 11:54:02:

I just got back last month from a trip to Big Bend to see cactus blooms, and it made me think about getting desert lizards.

I'm new to this message board, and don't have any lizards.
I recently saw a collared lizard in a Petco, but it didn't look like the one I had chased around in Zion National Park 20 years ago. It didn't have much green.

Sorry this is long, but I have questions that require some context and background:

I'm currently outfitting my 90 gallon aquarium as a desert lizard cage, while I decide what to get and look for sources of lizards.

I just welded up a frame for the top, and will be installing a removable dropped mount for a 36" double flourescent light fixture. I haven't picked out a bulb brand and model yet.

This aquarium has holes in the bottom for saltwater sumps, and I'm thinking about running the wires for basking lamps up through the bottom so that the lid doesn't have to be quite as cluttered. I'm planning to use PVC lightposts so lizards can't climb onto a hot light fixture.

1. Is 1/4" mesh okay for a lid, or can crickets climb up 24" of glass readily?
2. Using two 36" UVB bulbs in addition to basking lamps, and providing the right temperature gradients, feeding, etc. should I expect collared lizards to keep good green color or do I have to be somehow really really lucky? I'm wondering if I should get aquaflames or something.

Thanks much!

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