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LOL Frustrated Females / Sexless Males

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Posted by eve on April 26, 2003 at 10:18:55:

In Reply to: Boy Lizard posted by kev on April 25, 2003 at 22:06:42:

:Here's a picture of my male lizard that has no interest in his cage mate. I'm thinking of sending him off to romance school. It's a shame he won't mate. With his coloring I think he'd make some great little lizards. This picture was taken last week, but I noticed today, after shedding, he has some neat yellow patches around his head. They're not bright like other collareds I've seen, more like a pastel yellow. I'll see if I can get a close up picture.

:The lizard in the background is his 'girlfriend' but he still doesn't realize this. What's funny is that she gets in front of him while they're laying on the basking rock and she slithers backwards putting her butt underneath his head and pushes back until he's on top of her. He simply sits there a moment and then moves off of her. Does he not get the point? Crazy lizard, most men dream of this happening to them!
LOL,Hi Kevin, Fist he is beautiful, I know what you mean, I have a male from Mr. Eddington that is clueless as to what to do, :0) Very handsome, Squashy, who has a lovely yellow lady, that is very desirable as far as female collareds go, LOL And then there is Zuni an aquaflame who was brumated and drags and head bobs and gets on his lovely Hopi, and jumps off, later proceeds to do the whole routine again, getting on the wrong way and jumps off, poor girl stands there ready and willing, and is left standing alone with a dumb look on her lizard face like you've got to be KIDDING, THATS IT ? !!! LOL :0) Eve

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