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Make sure the lizard you get is also naked n/p

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Posted by JohnStyner on May 06, 2003 at 11:20:56:

In Reply to: What should I get? posted by TheNakedCowboy1 on May 05, 2003 at 21:27:43:

:Well, I am 15 years old and looking to buy a lizard for my room. I am very responsible for my age I guess because most other kids would not be doing research as to what I should get. I have been looking for like a month and still have no idea what to get. I want something a little like this ...
:- 1-2 feet or so long
:- Very tame yet not totally boring (as in it will still walk on me and stuff)
:- Colorful and interesting looking
:- Looking for one of the following colors: Green, Red, Orange, Yellow. Pretty much anything but brown
:- Not a skink (my stepmom doesn't want me to get one for some reason)

:Now I can take care of it and I have about 500$ to spend on a tank and everything. I plan on doing a tube-feeding type system where you drop the food in and they scurry out the hole in the tube and the lizard gets them. Is this optimal or is there a better way?

:I also plan on building my own tank. I am very experienced with this as I have built 3 100 Gallon Fish tanks in the past and never had a leak. Long story short: my dad works in a fish-store. What is the tank size I will need for the kind that you recomend?

:Also, I have heard about duos and trios of lizards (1.1 or a 1.2) and I think this could work, but if I got this I would want their combined length to be no longer than 3 feet. What is a good pair/trio for this?

:I know I have a lot of questions but I can't seem to find a lot of info on the net. Please help!

:Thanks A lot,

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