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Re: Hooty now Improving, Gotta love this little fighter

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Posted by eve on December 10, 2002 at 15:33:31:

In Reply to: Re: Decided to let ya meet Hooty, when arrived 1 week old posted by eve on December 10, 2002 at 15:29:39:

::For all who remember BJ's story about the 1 survivor hathched after the incubator had been unplugged to early by his little girl, well I asked BJ if I could have him (instead of the freezer) and he was kind enough to let me .(NICE GUY) Anyway we are far from out of woods but I'm encouraged with Hooty's progress, he could not walk to well when hatched, legs were crooked and feet turned in looked almost seal like with legs and feet looking like flappers. Just not developed. As the days go on, his legs have spread out from his body and back feet are down on ground almost normal feet do not as yet move normally, but are grasping his rocks alittle as he climbs. Yes he climbs, he runs all over the place like any baby chuck really fast he scurries around :0) but he still in the front uses his wrists. His front feet ar also begining to unfold so to speak, so we will have to see.
::I also was getting upset, because he did not try and eat after the first 4 days. I was afraid maybe stomach muscles had not formed or whatever. I began using an eye dropper for water and noticed he took to it quite well. So I have been taking collards kale carrots apple sweet potatoes all veggies, and calcium, and puree-ing in blender and letting him lick it from dropper, he is much more active now, gaining strentgh, and what concerned me next was everything working properly inside as far as digestion, stomach, never had a bowel movement since I have had him.
::WELL, never thought I would be this excited over %%&*&^ but I am pleased to announce Hooty did a healthy dooty !! Just thought the people in on the conversation few weeks back might be interested, in knowing how is is !!! I will post pics later down the road, when I know he's WAY out of the woods. I will let ya see the before and after shots hopefully it will surprise us all, :0) thanks for being here, learned alot from you all in caring for my other, heathy, yearling chuck just reading without posting !!!! Take care, Eve
:This is Hooty about a week old when he arrived
:Hooty's back legs are better and feet are grasping abit !!! Im pleased gotta

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