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dusted fruit flies

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Posted by lele on May 12, 2003 at 09:49:57:

In Reply to: dusted fruit flies posted by charm_paradise on May 11, 2003 at 15:50:48:

Thanks, John!
I put a piece of strawberry in and, as expected, the FF flock to it! Two of my stumpi's are eyeing it and I am sure have been feasting all morning! What if I dust the fruit with the supplement so they(FF) get it while they eat?

As for pinheads I am trying to find a local source because I don't need a whole lot right now. I also plan to get some silkworms to raise so I can feed them the itty-bitty ones.

I don't think they were cup fed just because of their more secretive nature, but I have emailed Liddy to find out. thanks again! btw, your site is coming along nicely! I love the rainbow colors in the species list (care sheets). I have you bookmarked and will reference often!


:Hi- Yes it is hard to keep the dust on the insects. They are very good at removing it, crickets are the worst. You may try putting a piece of fruit in the tank and the fly's on the fruit where the chameleons seem to eat at. This should keep the flies on the fruit and you can keep better track. Have you tried pinhead crickets if they are big enough to eat them, and also may be newly hatched silkworms! Were they bowl feeding them at the breeders or were they free roam feeding, if you can find out how they were use to eating, it may make it easer for you to acclimate them to there new home. Hope this helps!


::I just got my leaf cham's and have been giving them dusted FF but it almost seems as tho they are cleaning themselves off (of the dust) b/c I see them climbing up the tank with no dust!? I make sure I mist before putting them in so I don't give them a shower LOL!

::B/c these guys are so tiny it's hard to tell if they are eating or not...thoughts?



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