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some basic answers.

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Posted by icequeen on May 08, 2003 at 17:34:50:

In Reply to: new tank and setup help posted by vegetell on May 08, 2003 at 11:45:32:

First of all, if you want a chameleon, you can't keep a "combo" of anything.
ONE cham per enclosure...they are solitary animals, and don't like or appreciate company.

Also, you don't mention whether or not you have proper lighting (uva/uvb) and basking lamp...thermometer's or hygrometer's...these things are ESSENTIAL, not optional.
You also need to make sure you have proper vitamin/calcium supplements, as well as somewhere to keep your feeder insects.
From what I've read on here, unless you are VERY commited and diligent, you should avoid the waterfall's a breeding ground for bacteria.
And a cham won't drink from it anyway.
As far as live plants...go to wal-mart or your local grocery store for them. have to make SURE they are pesticide free! Which means you can't just plop them into the cage the day you get them. You have to give them time to rid themselves of any pesticides, plus to be safe, you should change the soil.

The only other stuff you NEED is more time to do more research!
Don't make any impulsive, uniformed decisions, because it will end up costing you a ton of time and money to undo all the damage an impulsive decision can cause.

You have lots of time to make sure everything is just perfect for whatever new creature you decide to introduce into that enclosure.

good luck to you, with whichever herp you choose.
:ok today im getting a free cage from a friend because his friend moved in and made it and then moved out and he wont take his crap out of his house so he is giving it away and i get the cage. Its 2 feet wide 4 feet long and 3-4 feet high i didnt measure that yet but i think its around there or it could be 5. Well i like chameleons, frogs, and geckos. Its a wooded cage with big screen doors and no top yet.(i plan to make a screen top) It has pool lining on the bottom so the wood doesnt get wet. Its basically empty and im moving to a new house and im going to set that up but i need help.

:1. what kind of combo of reptiles can i keep in there. i defenitly want a chameleon.
:2. how should i set it up. i wanted a waterfall at the bottum. could i keep some type of salamder since i want a water thing at the bottum?
:3. where can i buy some live plants. my local fish store doesnt carry any.
:4. any more info i need. i cant think of anymore. im also researching online but i think people to people help is good to. thanks im so excitited to be going into the reptile keeping.

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