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Some thoughts about cham time and $...

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Posted by chimbakka on April 14, 2003 at 18:11:58:

I am fairly new to keeping chameleons, as most of you know. I have a 5 month old panther, who I got 2 months ago. I just wanted to post this for other newbies to read, as well as for those who may be interested in chams. I think even those more experienced may get something from this.
Basically, I just have a few thoughts about how much money people spend on their habitats and cham care, and also how much time is required to care for a chameleon properly.
Some people seem to really want to save a ton of money on their stuff for their chameleon. I don't just mean people on this site, but on various sites that I have visited. I agree with building your own cage, and trying some homemade things over store bought options. In a lot of cases I actually preffer them. I just think that people who are thinking about owning a cham REALLY need to consider cost of a proper habitat BEFORE buying. There are some cheap ways out, but consideration needs to be given to the fact that you are housing an ANIMAL. If you don't want to pay for its home, don't get it. I have many animals. I find that in most cases, the home and preparation for the animal costs about 5 times more than the animal itself. For example, I spent about $200 for my setup for my degus. I could have opted for a small cage and saved money, but they would not have as nice of a home. When I got Orion he was about $200 (keep in mind I'm talking CDN$). I am expecting to invest $1000 at least in his care, plus food and vet bills. I did not expect to be over halfway there in only 2 months! There are always adjustments that need to be made, and ideas that don't work. The humidity problem I had alone cost me about $140. That is not something I was expecting. Before getting a cham (or anyother animal for that reason) people need to think about whether or not they are willing to put their extra cash toward them, or if they will be mad if this happens.
Another topic I want to touch on is how impressed I am with the care that most, if not all, of the people on here provide their animals. Icequeen, I would like to centre you out and say YOU ARE AWESOME! You have put so much time and money into a creature that you didn't even plan to get. I think that many can learn from you and Zoe about what it takes to look after a cham.
I have to get going.. Maybe I will add some more thoughts later. Any replies (good or bad) would be wonderful!

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