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Re: After reading below, why would I want to join CFHS?

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Posted by Thamnophile on November 19, 2002 at 01:51:47:

In Reply to: After reading below, why would I want to join CFHS? posted by The cartman on November 18, 2002 at 21:57:18:

Sounds like they need to start using Robert's Rules of Order or something. But then again I think the herp society I was a member of finally collapsed due to lack of participation, funding, motivation, etc. and we tried to use Robert's Rules.... I can't even say for sure if the club is defunct or not - because as near as I can tell, no one is communicating at all. (I myself quit out of frustration, lol).

So be thankful if you have a lot of money in your herp society - and a huge membership that is willing to participate. You can get through all of this stuff, with those two things behind you! Good luck with your reorganization, CFHS!


:After reading what was posted below about what sounds like disorganization and gross mismanagement of funds, I wonder why I would be compelled to join CFHS. I am not being sarcastic here, I just feel it is very important for officers (elected I assume) to look out for the membership. What I read below is the stuff lawsuits are made of. If you are told "your membership fee pays for a newsletter and access to meetings," that is one thing, but it sounds like there are some pretty large sums of money being dealt with here. I feel it right to further add that a nonprofit organization, especially when it attains any size, needs to be run like a business, otherwise you get exactly what is described below. For instance, the United Way (this could be a bad example, I don't know) is a non-profit organization, but it is run as a business. I've thought about joining CFHS, now I don't know. Maybe someone could sway me in one direction or another? It's sad that so much boils down to money and gets away from the initial ideal.

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