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Bad Day with the Herps

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Posted by SierraK on January 22, 2002 at 15:16:04:

In Reply to: Field trips? posted by James Van Dyke on January 21, 2002 at 00:07:35:

I went hiking around Plymouth for two hours on Thursday and found absolutely nothing. Then I took my horse out for a ride and saw a black racer. It was just a foot or so long and stared at me as I rode by. It must have known I wasn't going to risk my horse getting away to try to catch it because it was the slowest moving black racer I have ever seen.

Then I drove home and as I turned into my apartment complex my beams caught a red rat on the pavement. I hopped out but he'd already been hit -- and recently too. It could have been a bike, or someone who swerved to hit him because he wasn't in the normal line of traffic.

Anyway, I was really pissed off by the senselessness of murdering a 1.5 foot corn snake. He was really very pretty, too. I put him in the freezer to put him out of his misery(the front left quarter of his body was pretty much flat, and his left jaw ripped open).

Then my boyfriend came over, went for ice cream and we ended up almost fighting because he thinks it's gross to put a snake (in a ziploc, mind you!) in the freezer. Good thing he didn't notice the 20 rats behind the frozen pizzas!

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