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Thank You Brian..

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Posted by Dale on December 05, 2001 at 12:05:07:

In Reply to: Dec. meeting minutes posted by Brian Conley on December 05, 2001 at 08:22:57:

Brian seems to making a grand effort to strike the balance between the more "experienced" members of the club, and the more demanding "newer" members of the club. I'd like to applaude his efforts to keep EVERYONE happy and not shirk any one side regardless of what would be termed - popular opinion.

: Ok, folks I'll give you a brief description of the events at the Dec. meeting. Jim Peters did a short, but never the less informative talk and slide show on herping in north FL. We took nominations for officers, and as no one ran against anyone, the board remains the same for another year. Paul Concannon appointed Dennis Sargent as the new head of the speaker committee and made him a voting member of the board. THE JANURY MEETING HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH (JAN. 8TH) BECAUSE OF THE NEW YEARS HOLIDAY. It will still be the at the same time and at the same place. We also discussed a few other things like who does the Fish and Game inspections in this area and where people can get license info. Also I informed people about some free things I'd been able to arrange for the club i.e. tables at shows, etc. If you need any more info please feel free to contact me. Thanks, Brian Conley Sec. CFHS

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