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my .02...

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Posted by besiege on May 10, 2003 at 11:54:30:

In Reply to: my .02... posted by JKUROSKI on May 09, 2003 at 12:47:56:

:It's a borderline issue for would really depend on the status of diamonds on a whole which is hard info to gather. So kind of census should be performed probable with the help of national shows to get an accurate count of all the pure stock that is in the US. Once we establish the captive population size then we can consider if it would be wise to hybridize simply for the benefit of reproduction. The goal would probably be to breed male pure diamonds to high percentage females to retain the look, but maybe gain in the reproductive area. The unknown is whether high percentage crosses will have the same problem or not. Could be a good project... I would hate to see diamonds polluted but would also hate to see them die out. First things first though are collecting data.

Let's break it down, shall we?

> an accurate count of all the pure stock that is in the u.s.<

Are you serious? It'll never happen! A superfluous cause.

> Wise to hybridize simply for the benefit of reproduction?<

Great, let's risk infecting one type of snake by possibly polluting it with the problems of another! Why not just experiment with all potentially threatened snakes until we develope the "perfect" snake to suit our needs, no matter what the risk?

>would also hate to see them die out<

If they are dying out in "captive" populations then they should be LEFT ALONE at least until the reason for their demise is better understood. Perhaps they weren't meant to thrive in captivity and therefore should not be collected. Or perhaps human error is responsible for the lack of success or maybe it's just bad genes. Either way. Stop playing God with these poor unfortunate animals! If they die out in captive populations. so be wasn't meant to be. If they die out in the wild, there's nothing you can do about it. Let nature takes it's coarse.

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