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Python Pits, Sight, Sound, Sleep

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Posted by johnv on April 21, 2003 at 21:06:02:

I have three of them-a Ball, and two Queenslands. Of all of the Python info on the web, I have not found anything about their basic sense of sight. I know WHAT the pits do, but not HOW the pits do it. My first question is about their sight. I read somewhere that Boas can see in full color. But then again, Boas dont have pits. How does my Carpet Python see? I know she can tell who I am by taste, but can she still recognize me by sight anyway? I also once read that Pythons are almost completely deaf, but not totally deaf. If I scream loud enough, will she hear me? My Carpet Pythons pit's are MUCH larger than my Ball does that make her more alert? Or more intelligent? Fianlly, my last question is about sleep. I know they cant close their eyes, so how do they fall asleep? Do they see in their sleep? Sometimes I think my Pythons are sleeping, but all I have to do is walk by the cage and they'll move their head to see where I'm going. I know this is all a 1little jumpy in terms of questioning, but I cant find anything about these kinds of things, just about husbandry crap. Seen that all before! Thanks in advance.

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