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Plants in terrarium!?

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Posted by oldherper on April 23, 2003 at 15:20:33:

In Reply to: Plants in terrarium!? posted by karinecarl on April 23, 2003 at 15:07:57:

Sometimes I think we go a little overboard with "don't do this, don't do that" in keeping snakes. I've been using live plants in my display vivaria for a lot of years and have NEVER had a problem with it. Obviously, you don't want to be using certain pesticides, but then again, the only thing you might possibly need to use would be something for mites or ticks, and we all know you can use that in snake cages with or without plants. I just use Miracle-Gro for fertilizer. Snakes are in contact with countless varieties of plants in nature. If it were a real problem, I don't think there would be a lot of live, healthy snakes in the wild. I do think that snakes are happier and more secure in an environment that at least to some extent mimics the conditions they would live in in the wild. That's not to say that they won't thrive without it, I have numerous snakes in rack systems that do just fine, also. What I'm saying is that we can go to some lengths to make things aesthetically pleasing to ourselves without detrimental effects on the animals.

:I read that true plants in terrarium could be harmful for reptiles, is that true!? I have some true plants in my terrarium and my snake don't seem to have any problem whit them, it is supposed that there is bacteria in plants and that reptiles in captivity dosen't have immunitary system to fight them. I think it could be true, but, why couldn't they develop antybodys against those bacteria!?!?

:I want your opinion, do you think it is ok to put plants in terrarium!?

:Anyway i didn't buy plants, i plant them from seed into my snake substrat, it couldn't bring any bacteria...

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