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Anyone with experience with Natures Spirit & Boaphile Racks?

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Posted by markg on April 23, 2003 at 11:58:53:

In Reply to: Anyone with experience with Natures Spirit & Boaphile Racks? posted by peterfromme on April 21, 2003 at 17:10:57:

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with Nature's Spirit racks, but I have seen the Boaphile racks in person, and I have Boaphile cages.

Both manufacturers use the same material. It is expanded foam PVC, approx .25" thick or close to that. The material holds and conducts heat very well, making it ideal for exotic animals because of its insulatory properties. The material is not really rigid and does flex quite a bit, but that doesn't hurt anything really. The boxes still slide in and out easily.

One of the nicest things about this stuff in a rack is that you can run Flexwatt down the back of the unit, and the heat will conduct onto the shelves a little too. A little heat goes a long way.

The Boaphile racks have a very durable Flexwatt product sealed into the back wall. This makes the rack interior totally resistant to water spillage or spray. With NS, you see the exposed Flexwatt running down the inside back wall.

That is all I know. I've seen Boaphile racks and I like them for boas/pythons.

Another rack manufacturer is BARRS ( I have some of their racks, and I am really impressed with them. Their design is innovative, with 4" Flexwatt (you must provide it) running through the horizontal shelves, hidden from view and moisture. The only exposed Flexwatt is on the outsides where it is threaded through the shelves.) I really like these racks for colubrids and/or boas/pythons. The matierial is white HDPS (high-density polystyrene) and the shelves are very rigid.

Lastly, the finest in the business.. Habitat Systems. You just need to cut off your arm to pay for them, but if you can, they are awesome. That material is hollow-core PVC panel but looks like thick melamine from a distance (but far far lighter in weight yet incredibly strong.)

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