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Re: Help needed

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Posted by genaroleon on April 16, 2003 at 12:46:21:

In Reply to: Help needed posted by Dave A. on April 16, 2003 at 12:33:15:

I believe pine contains toxic oils which are harmfull to snakes, even if your going to stain and finish the wood I still would not use it. Definately stand all the wood pieces "before" you construct the tank, personally i feel it would be easier this way. Im not familiar with the husbandry requirements for geckos, but dont they require high humidity?? If so two screens on either side should be fine... My tanks are 4'h x 2.5'd x 18"h and use all melamine.. my humidity stays in the 50+ for my boas

:I'm planning on building an enclosure for my crested geckos. I've decided on the overall look of the tank. It's modeled after the tank shown here

:I plan on having the two screen windows on both sides of the tank and no opening on the top. It will measure 3'h x 3'l x 1.5'w. The base will be 3/4" wood and the rest with be 5/8" wood.

:I have a few questions.
:1. Is pine wood ok to use, considering it will be stained and sealed?

:2. Will those two windows be enough for ventilation with the species or should I add a third window along the back wall?

:3. What kind of stain should I use? I was looking at some of the stains available at my local home improvement store and I was thinking the Behr waterproofing stain for decks and fences would work. But I dont know if this is toxic for the animals or not. Any help with picking a stain, sealant or anything else with the sealant process would be great.

:4. Should I stain the wood before or after constructing the tank?

:Thanks for any replys.

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