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Re: Breeding Questions

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Posted by chris_harper2 on April 15, 2003 at 23:22:41:

In Reply to: Breeding Questions posted by Krystal19_85 on April 15, 2003 at 22:38:45:

::What are your thoughts on putting the female in with the male (or vice-versa)

I'm old school so I've always introduced sheds from the females and then introduced the females depending on the male's response. However, I've never bred Ball Pythons much less even tried.

::vs. breeding tubs?

Do you mean where you introduce a group of animals into a large enclosure that is not the normal cage for any one of them?

This is probably species specific and is likey required for some species (some chelonians, for example). This used to be common practice for Boa constrictor breeders.

How this relates to ball pythons I do not know.

::Also what is your opinion on Letting the female incubate the eggs vs. an incubator?

If I bred Ball Pythons I'd probably try both ways out of pure curiosity.

Lastly, I saw a post of yours below about a ball python cage. If you're deciding between a length of 3.5' vs. 4' I'd go with 4'. Plywood almost always comes in 4' increments so you could build the 4' cage for the same money and probably even save a few cuts. Only reason I could see for 3.5' is if you needed the cage to fit in a specific area.

There's a lot of valuable posters and information on this forum so ask any question you want about your cage plans - someone will likely have an answer.

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