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Book Recommendations

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Posted by CudaMako on March 21, 2003 at 22:32:37:

Hi Y'all

Could some of you more experienced people out there recommend some good herp books to me? Let me tell you kind of what I am looking for....

While I am not totally "green" to snakes, I feel like I need to at least start a pretty good resource library. I would like some comprehensive books dealing with diseases, genetics, anatomy etc. In addition, if there is a "field guide" with all the snakes in the world, I would certainly like to know. I suspect there is not anything like that, but who knows.

The reason I ask this question is that I finally am at the point in my life where I can afford (within reason, of course) to do it right. Also, I am too old for fast cars and motorcycles (well, maybe thats a lie!)But you know, you gotta do something, and I have always wanted to keep/learn to breed snakes. I plan on doing only colubrids at first, I might branch out from there though.

I will also be building a shop to do this in, and if there any specific recommendations or suggestions as to the "perfect" shop that you know of please let me know.

But mainly I just want a lot of book recommendations.......

Thanks a lot!


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