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Re: Got an extra tank, need suggestions!

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Posted by glenn bartley on January 28, 2003 at 21:53:21:

In Reply to: Got an extra tank, need suggestions! posted by tekmunki on January 26, 2003 at 00:49:33:

You say you want to have a snake that can co-habitate a ten gallon tank. Co-habitate with what other type of critter?

Co-habitation is often scorned in the herp hobby, although I thin you can easily keep various types of herps together, especially if they are one's from nearly the same niche in nature - or even if they are ones that could just live under similar conditions. Of course you have to be very careful about disease transmission so you want to start with healthy captive bred animals. You also want to be pretty darned certain that one species will not wind up the dinner of the other. Third you want to make sure there is enough room so that each will not stress the other all that much. A ten gallon tank probably does not suit this last need because of its small size, unless you want to put another small snake in there as opposed lets say to a snake and a frog. I have kept tanks with more than one species of snake inside them at the same time, and have never observed any behavior indicating stress after the first few days of a new introduction - but I chose the snakes pretty carefully.

As for a small, partly arboreal snake, that could easily be kept in a 10 gallon tank, for its lifetime, you could try a Smooth Green Snake (an insectivore). These are truly beautiful snakes, are more active than many other species, actively seek out (hunt) prey when hungry, and are pretty easy to keep. They, however, may be quite hard to find as captive bred specimens.

Good luck,
Glenn Bartley

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