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Relative size of pen to a turtle

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Posted by rnrlesnar on May 08, 2003 at 23:17:21:

In Reply to: Relative size of pen to a turtle posted by PHBoxTurtle on May 08, 2003 at 20:54:07:

:There is a danger of keeping 20 some turtles together and that has to do with the spead of disease. I know of several people who have had a virilent bacterial or viral disease go through their herd. When your herd is separated into groups of say, 10, then if you do have a problem there is less chance of everyone getting sick. But your pen looks good and with the expansion it will be better. Good luck, Tess

I've had a group of over 10 together for over 5 years now without any sick turtles, and most of those years they were in a 6x3 wooden pen.
I do worry about my baby turtles getting sick and the disease spreading since I've got 25 together. It's a big tank, but 25 is a lot of babies. They will be out of there by the end of the summer when they're a little bit bigger. I'm letting them eat all they want and giving them a variety of food including box turtle food from a pet store to help them grow as fast as possible because their home will be needed for new arrivals later this year :)

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