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Help! Fighting Three-toed Turtles! Blood!

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Posted by OldTime on April 30, 2003 at 12:54:05:

For about 4 years I have kept the same 2 ThT box turtles together. They stay in all winter and then are put out in the summer. I have always assumed they were males due to their bright coolers, redish eyes, and long claws (nails) I'm not sure, though, because they have stubby little tails. They have been kept with other turtles in the past and separately without ever being a problem. Today I put them outside in there 10' by 5' enclosure. Almost immediately they started aggressively lunging at each other. Not just snapping . . .LUNGING! They are the ONLY turtles in the enclosure . . .no other females or males. I separated them and they found each other again and continued fighting. I didn't know how hard there beaks were connecting until I say they were bleeding! What the hey??!! They are exactly the same size! Please explain . . .somebody? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

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