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set-up for egg laying

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Posted by nathana on April 29, 2003 at 12:19:35:

In Reply to: set-up for egg laying posted by specieschick on April 28, 2003 at 17:10:23:

my gals will often stress if taken from their pens and put into a "laying tub". Instead I just check on them every evening from spring through fall and hope to catch them nesting so I can note the spot and come back the next morning. If your gal shows stress (trying to climb the sides, etc) in the box, you might be best of with the pen as well.

In any case, to encourage her to use the laying box, make sure the soil is good and moist, and PACK it down as hard as you possibly can. They give up fast if the nest they are making keeps caving in, so really smashing the soil down super hard helps it hold up to their digging. Don't worry about it being too hard. One of my gals picked the absolute hardest spot of baked hard red clay in my yard and laid there. It took her HOURS to dig a tiny nest, but she would not give up on the spot.

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