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my reasoning... if you care...

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Posted by PMHerps on May 10, 2003 at 13:09:27:

In Reply to: my reasoning... if you care... posted by Jonathan_Brady on May 10, 2003 at 11:52:09:

well Jonathan based on your reasoning.. I am in good company...
according to you, breeders like Pete Kahl & Brian Sharp are bad guys, because both have 'cross bred' boas in their collections..
so I guess I can live with that.... those that have dealt with me know that everything I sell is represented 100% as it is....
only 2 animals out of over 40 in my collection are not 'locality pure' and in my opinion that is all the hypo/hogs are.. non locality animals..

:is that those that promote and breed crosses may not have as much dedication to keeping lines pure (research, etc...), so the likelihood of them having unpure (even though they think they are pure) strains of hogs is higher than with someone who is totally dedicated to purity. also, given that the crosses have been tried by this individual, what if they were tried this time with the female, but she didn't take with the male of another locality and another male (this time a hog) was thrown in to complete the job. well, what if the first male DID fertilize a few ova...?

:just too many variables when purity of an ssp (with a finite supply) is desired.
:my .02 and i'm sorry it came across the way it did, i didn't mean for it to sound as though paul was a bad guy. matter of fact, i looked at his hogs on his page, thought they were VERY nice (albeit, IMO, a bit overpriced) but in the end, i decided to continue looking down other avenues for what i could be sure was 100% hog.

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