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Captive conditions....

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Posted by Joemac on May 07, 2003 at 11:20:51:

In Reply to: Captive conditions.... posted by RioBravoReptiles on May 07, 2003 at 09:15:42:

I'm peruvian too, and I know the situation there.

Keeping boa is illegal in Peru. You can purchase boas in Lima or in another city without a problem, but it's still illegal. The big majority of those people who sell the animals, don't give a sh*t about the animals and usually keep the boas in very bad conditions. You say that the need to rescue an individual animal from some horrible situations is too strong to resist, and I think that is true and wrong at the same time. If you buy boas for that reason, you'll buy boas the rest of your life, and the people who sell them, will continue to take animals from there habitat. I though like you once (and I buy my first boa with that in my head), but fianlly is the wrong idea (the demand makes the supply).

Now, I don't know personally the responsables of the farms in Iquitos, and it's true that the boas are not keep in optimal condition. But it's true too, that in Iquitos (and other cities), the people is very poor and to have the best equipement is just unreal and a dream. So why having those animal ? well, someones for selling them, others just for keeping them. Maybe the boas are better in their own habitat. But many people don't understand that, and for those who do for the money, is worst. There are persons with good will, but the money problem, can't make a better condition for thoses boas.

It's not a excuse, not at all; but the reality is very, but very different from USA, Germany, or France (i know that cause i'm leaving now in France since more than a year). Unfortunately for the boas, which are who pay the bill. Maybe they are all better in nature instead of our homes ("better" not in condition therm but in the ecological therm).

(i hope that the idea will be understand, it's not simple to explain in an other language that is not yours ^^;).

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